




Cancer Medicine


Astellas Pharma


Page layout + GUI components + infographics



For our art team's pitch for a new account with a pharmaceutical company, one of our key strategic points was to illustrate our digital design competency. I was chosen to comp up for a site makeover, and the slides I produced, seen here, were presented to the client as a proposal for a page design.

While designing the comps, I realized that the print assets for the client's product had a noticeably higher production value than the preexistent website for the product. So, I analyzed the client's print materials for their product for inspiration in formulating the look and feel of my new designs. In this way I was able to craft a design proposal for the site that closely compares to the client's offline presence.

Several weeks later, I was excited to learn that our team's pitch was successful, and I had helped to win an important new job for our company.


  • Prescription Drug Promotion