






Underwater Bubbles




Look and feel + motion graphics + audio editing


ActionScript + Photoshop + Audacity

When designing this hero for my online résumé, I chose to work with an underwater theme with the aim of creating an intriguing user experience so as to elicit a receptive mood for viewing my qualifications. The challenge for me was to develop the aquatic theme into a compelling interactive animation that promotes my design skills and artistic sensibility.

My concept was to drape the canvas with bubbly underwater scenery to set a dreamy, mysterious mood, and against that backdrop to float both bubbles and the list of my professional activities, and then to add the dimension of user interactivity. The following are some of the features that I introduced to capture and hold the viewer's attention:

  1. The titles of my professional certificates spin around bubble strands, following a helical path.
  2. These titles are accentuated by optical lens flares and sound bites of bursting bubbles triggered by mouseover events.
  3. The hypnotic atmosphere is enhanced by audio tracks of both underwater ambience and submarine sonar pulses.

In these ways I sought to create an enigmatic underwater world that captivates the viewer and encourages an exploration of the rest of my webpage.


  • Hero Image